Thursday, July 2, 2009

MSI Supports Charities Around the World Donates Wind U100 to Help Nepal Develop e-Education Infrastructure

【Taipei】 The leading IT brand MSI not only focuses on developing new markets but is also committed to fulfilling its corporate social responsibility by supporting environmental protection, giving back to society and taking an active role in social welfare initiatives around the world. MSI has now partnered with the Yuan Ze University and the Ecological Protection Forum in Nepal to support the construction of e-classrooms and infrastructure in Nepal. The program will develop persistent e-education services for Nepalese school children and help local schools set up e-classrooms.

In keeping with the company's emphasis on giving back to society, MSI has elected to donate a batch of all new Wind U100 netbooks to the Yuan Ze University New Leaders' Nepalese education support team. The netbooks will be used by the team when they travel to Nepal on July 1 to take part in a 20-day international volunteer e-education session. There they will help train the teaching cadre, set up computer classrooms and libraries. At the end of the session, the netbooks will be donated to the local elementary schools for long-term use.
While attending the donation ceremony at Yuan Ze University, MSI Marketing Director Sam Chern stated that MSI has always been committed to support charity initiatives around the world. The latest e-classroom and infrastructure program for Nepal will not only help the e-education of Nepalese school children but will also raise Taiwan's profile in the international community. These made it all the more important for MSI as a leading international IT vendor to take part. Chern noted that MSI support is available in Nepal as well. This will ensure that the donated Wind U100 netbooks will be properly supported and can offer persistent long-term service.

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