Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Microsoft, MSI and NTNU Special Education Work on Computer Access for the Disabled(by Economic Daily News)

(Economic Daily News, Tseng Ren-kai) Today Microsoft Taiwan, MSI and the National Taiwan Normal University made a joint announcement on the launch of the "Computer Accessibility Resource for Educators" program to research and develop information technology and broadcasting teaching resources for students with special needs.
Microsoft Taiwan introduced the ICT assistance tools manual it produced in partnership with Tokyo University and drew on the expertise of the NTNU Special Education Center to compile the CARE computer manual; 30 notebook computers of various models were donated by MSI for use in education and promotion.
Through this collaboration between hardware technology and special education, they hope more technology companies can be inspired to take part in helping to expand learning opportunities for special education teachers and students with disabilities so they can reach out to the world. (resource from the Economic Daily News, 2009/03/18)

MSI Notebook Charity_BN04_006
MSI Chairman Joseph Hsu testing the CARE program. He expressed his hope that the MSI notebooks will help special needs students reach out to the world. (Photo resource from the Apple Daily)

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